
Climate Knoxville is a network of Knoxville citizens and organizations wanting to reduce our city’s carbon emissions by half by 2030.

While we may individually do whatever we can to reduce our carbon emissions, that by itself will not solve the climate problem.  We also  must also work through all levels of government and all different kinds of organizations to tame climate change with effective and equitable policies and programs.  This process is called democracy.

We all want the same thing – a sense of belonging, a home and community, the love and kindness of family and friends, a sense of efficacy and well-being, and confidence that our children will also enjoy such a meaningful life.  We share the vision of people acting together in partnership with their governments at all levels to work toward a world in which we care for each other and the Earth.

The ever deepening climate emergency has transformed people around the world into a force of change. The entire community must move toward equitable and effective climate action.

The people of Knoxville must connect with each other and raise our voices throughout our community and nation so that we can gain back the future we are losing.