Do It Yourself

People need to learn how to live on Earth without harming it or all the life that depends upon Earth.    While we need to advocate for climate policies and investments that change our building, transportation, and food systems, we also need to individually practice living our lives in the way we want to see in the world.

This pie chart show the sources of Knoxville carbon emissions.  Each of us can find ways to reduce the miles we travel, the electricity and natural gas we use, and the meat that we eat.

Travel and the energy we use in our homes and other buildings over which we have influence ar the two big buttons we have some control over  when we start think about how to reduce our carbon emissions.

Learn Your Carbon Footprint

Here is another way of looking at that same information.  This graph shows the carbon emissions that we either emit directly (purple bar) or that were emitted during the production of what we consume (green bar), such as food and services.

Again, transportation and housing are our major sources of carbon emissions, followed by food.

Setting a goal to reduce our carbon emissions by half by 2030 is a worthy goal for everyone who has an income over $68,000.  But before we can begin cutting our carbon emissions by half we need to learn what our current emissions are.

Go to this page to learn how to calculate your current carbon emissions.

Do It Yourself

Now learn more about what each of us can do as individuals and households. Follow this link to get started on some simple ways you can reduce carbon emissions in your home and travel.

If you want to do more, take a look at these suggestions.